5 Ways a Private Investigator will Help During a Corporate Investigation
How a Private Investigator Can Assist with Corporate Investigative Services
You may associate corporate investigations with well-known scandals, like the Enron accounting scandal. While most investigations aren’t nearly as high profile, competent corporate investigative services are essential to the well-being of your company.
There are a few reasons your business may need to conduct a corporate investigation. Maybe you suspect employee theft or perhaps you believe insurance or FMLA abuse is occurring. Here are a few ways that a private detective can assist with your corporate investigative services.
A Private Investigator Can Survey On and Off-Sight Activities
It’s essential for your corporate investigation to be thorough so that you understand the severity of the situation. A private investigator can provide surveillance for your employees’ on-sight and off-sight activities.
This will enable you to observe employees when they’re working from home, commuting to different job sites, meeting with clients, or otherwise working away from your primary worksite. Your private investigator will also offer surveillance for activities that occur when you’re not on the premises. A private detect has access to high-quality surveillance equipment that will uncover potential evidence for your corporate investigation.
Your Private Detective Will Assist with Device Forensics
Corporate investigations should include device forensics to understand the full scope of the situation. Corporate entities that bring in a private detective will be more meticulous due to the specialized knowledge of your investigator.
A private investigator will know how to comb through call logs, text messages, internet files, and GPS pings to uncover the necessary information for your investigation. If necessary, they can consult with an expert who can recover files, pictures, and messages that have been deleted.
A Private Investigator Lets Your Corporate Investigative Services Go Undercover
Corporate investigative services can be tricky because all your employees know who you are; it’s not unexpected that they’re going to do everything they can to conceal their bad behaviors when you’re around. Fortunately, a private detective will resolve this issue within their provided corporate investigative services and go undercover. Your employees won’t know that they’re interacting with an undercover investigator and you can rest easy knowing that your investigation is leaving no stone unturned.
Your Private Detective Will Provide an Unbiased Report of Their Findings
One of the benefits of private investigative services is the investigator will provide an unbiased exposition of their surveillance and research. Their corporate investigative services are impartial and won’t be tainted by preconceived notions or incorrect assumptions.
For example, assume you suspect an employee of faking an injury and committing insurance fraud. You know that this employee is out-of-shape and has a history of being dramatic. Should you uncover potential insurance fraud, the employee might argue that you’re just biased against them.
However, an insurance fraud investigator won’t have these preconceived feelings. They’ll conduct an unbiased investigation and gather ample evidence that will help you build a strong case to prove that insurance fraud is occurring.
A Private Investigator Will Discover Who’s Actually Working with You
Private investigators are also capable of conducting background checks. This will allow your corporate investigative services to learn the truth about your workers or potential clients.
A background check will reveal if an employee has a history of engaging in criminal activities (even if they weren’t actually convicted of a crime). Your private detective will also determine whether your workers are being truthful about their credentials and qualifications.
Contact Sig 14 Investigations for Corporate Investigative Services in Tampa Bay
In search of a Tampa private detective who offers services like infidelity investigations or a missing person search? Contact us today to schedule a no-cost consultation for corporate investigations, including, insurance fraud investigations.